Guiding Principles

As members of Body of Sound, we come together to create a warm, friendly, inclusive and supportive environment within which to learn to use our voices, and to express ourselves through song.  We are open to any women who wish to join us, regardless of previous singing experience, and as we do not use sheet music, members do not need to be able to read music.  Members are free to sing a variety of parts and can thus explore their full range.  We want to see our confidence and enjoyment grow, and aim not to expose individual voices in a way that might feel uncomfortable to people.  We want to blend our voices as well as possible and when performing, to do so to the level of the group as a whole rather than to select individuals.  Above all, we want to experience the joy and liberation that come from being together and making music, and to find the space and freedom to lark about and have fun.

As members of Body of Sound we will:

  • Treat each other with respect, celebrate and be supportive of our different identities, and aim to learn from one another.  In our singing we will respect the varied origins of our songs, and the lives and experiences from which they have grown

  • Share responsibility for the everyday running of the group, and for one-off tasks

  • Share responsibility for performances by attending the sessions leading up to them with commitment and focus.

As a group Body of Sound will aim not to accept money from sources which are involved in oppressive or exploitative activities.  Members are free to raise concerns about individual cases if they wish, and the group will discuss them and make such decisions as are necessary.  Any money we raise will be directed towards causes as agreed by the group.  As far as possible, we will structure the cost of participation in sessions/workshops/trips so as not to exclude anyone who wishes to join in, through the use of a sliding scale of fees.